60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee

We stand by you, and we stand behind the quality of our products. Get a 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee on any new purchase of Scan eXam™ One, Scan eXam™, FOCUS™, DEXIS NOMAD™ Pro 2, DEXIS IXS™ , Medit i700 , DEXIS OP 3D™ , or DEXIS OP 3D™ Pro. To learn more about these products and the 60 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, contact your local DEXIS Imaging Consultant. See below for full terms and conditions.

Returns Process

This risk-free return process must be initiated within 60 days of purchase (invoice date).  To begin your return, complete the form below or contact DEXIS Technical Support for assistance.

Terms and Conditions

We gladly accept returns of Scan eXam™ One, Scan eXam™, FOCUS™, DEXIS NOMAD™ Pro 2, DEXIS IXS™, Medit i700, DEXIS OP 3D™,  or DEXIS OP 3D™  Pro that meet the following requirements. To initiate a return, complete the form available at https://to.DEXIS.com/en/60-day-satisfaction-guarantee-DEXIS-imaging. All returns must be initiated within 60 days of purchase (invoice date) from an authorized United States or Canadian distributor. The serial number of the product being returned, the reason for the return, and a valid invoice must be provided. All return shipping charges will be paid by DEXIS Imaging. After a return is approved, DEXIS Imaging will provide a UPS shipping label via email to return the product. Upon receipt of the product, DEXIS Imaging will work with your distributor to initiate a refund. While DEXIS anticipates that most refunds will be processed within 4-5 weeks, ultimately the timing, method, and availability of any refund will be determined by your distributor. This return policy is effective for purchases of Scan eXam™ One, Scan eXam™, FOCUS™, DEXIS NOMAD™ Pro 2, DEXIS IXS™, Medit i700, DEXIS OP 3D™,  or DEXIS OP 3D™  Pro made on or after 01st October, 2021. DEXIS Imaging reserves the right to modify or terminate this return policy at any time. Modifications to, or the termination of, this return policy will not affect the return rights for products purchased prior to the date of the modification or termination. DEXIS Imaging reserves the right to request a copy of customer’s purchase invoice or other documentation necessary for DEXIS Imaging to verify that a requested return satisfies these Terms and Conditions, and the failure to provide requested documentation may cause the return to be declined. DEXIS Imaging reserves the right to decline returns on a case-by-case basis in its sole discretion. This return policy applies only to returns of Scan eXam™ One, Scan eXam™, FOCUS™, DEXIS NOMAD™ Pro 2, DEXIS IXS™, Medit i700, DEXIS OP 3D™,  or DEXIS OP 3D™  Pro . For returns of other products, please consult your distributor’s return policy.